REFLECT on 2018. REFRESH in 2019.

As the end of the year approaches, it’s time for REFLECTION and as the new year begins, it’s time to REFRESH.  This is the case for your personal and/or professional life – they are intertwined.  Many individuals begin to think about career and job changes during this time.  Whether you are unhappy in your life or work, keep in mind that it’s up to YOU to make a change.

REFLECT on what you are happy about and what you dislike and need to improve on.  Evaluate yourself and how it impacts your family, friends, career and quality of life.  Don’t jump to a decision too quickly and utilize the time to evaluate what makes you happy and focus on that.

REFRESH your mind….it will impact your personal and professional life.  I love the ideas in this article….

Surround yourself by people you like and don’t let negativity bring you down.  You have more power to make changes to your surroundings than you think.  Stay focused on the good, the better and the strong and never underestimate yourself!


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